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About NCFC

New Creation Fellowship Church

A Space for Truth

At NCFC, we are seeking ways of being (not doing) church. We are on a mission to live out Heaven on Earth by cultivating a community of mature sons of God who choose to transform Earth with the reality of Heaven.


Our vision is rooted in the belief that every person is destined to live from Heaven and experience the abundant life that Jesus promised. This is possible through a deep intimacy with God, true awareness of His unconditional love for them, acknowledgment of their identity in Jesus Christ, and acceptance of Jesus' full and complete finished work.


For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

Romans 8:18-19 

What We Believe

Here at NCFC we believe God is love. His love and forgiveness are an unconditional gift and not dependent on anything that we do. We stand on and believe in the complete and finished work of Jesus and that He is the way, the truth and the life. We believe the Gospel truly IS the greatest news for EVERYONE!


We believe that Jesus, God's Son, is the Word of God, and the Word was made flesh through the virgin Mary birthed as fully man and fully Divine.  We believe Jesus came to reveal the true nature of the invisible God and to remove any and all barriers to us having relationship with God and walking in our true identity as beloved sons of God created in His image. Jesus set aside his Deity and became sin for us so that we could become righteous in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21).  He accepted a brutal death being beaten, whipped and crucified on a cross by religious men. In so doing Jesus took all of mankind's sickness, pain and disease in Himself, so we wouldn’t have to. He was buried in a tomb then three days later resurrected from the dead and emerged victorious over death and the grave. Over the course of forty days, Jesus was seen on Earth by over five hundred eyewitnesses teaching and ministering before ascending to be seated at the right hand of the Father on His heavenly throne.


Jesus is the express image of God and blueprint of humanity in human form (Hebrews 1:3).  We were made in His image.  Not only can you look at Jesus to see what the Father is like, but you can look at Jesus to see what your true identity is.  You are beloved by the Father and created for good works before the foundation of the world was laid.


We believe that eternal life is not life after death but the abundant, everlasting life that Jesus described, which is available here and now.  Death is not our savior, Jesus is!   We encourage everyone to embrace the reality of God’s unconditional love and their identity in Christ so they can experience this abundant life.  We will truly live and not die and declare the works of the Lord (Psalm 118:17).


It is from this unconditionally beloved place with God that we believe sons of God (Romans 8:14) will manifest (Romans 8:18-19) the fullness of Christ as He is now, seated in Heaven, and bring the realities of Heaven to Earth. We love because He first loved us and being fully aware of our perfect union with God we effortlessly bring glorious liberty to all of His creation (Romans 8:20-21), redeeming everything back to Him (Colossians 1:19-20).  The mystery of the ages has been revealed… it is Christ in US, the hope of glory! 

Our Values

At NCFC, we value commitment to believing and living in the fullness of all that Christ lived, died and was raised up to provide for us. We value a hunger and thirst for the things of God and desire to know and be more like Christ every day. We value humility, compassion and choosing to display the fruit of the Spirit day in and day out. We believe our DNA is our Father's and we effortlessly choose to walk in His ways. We value fellowship, community, and a love and compassion for our fellow man. We value a passion for sanctification; aligning our souls to the will of our amazing Father and as life giving spirits we fulfill his commission for us to restore all of Creation to His original design.

Meet Our Team

Casey Witters
Casey Witters

Founder & Pastor

Amy Melrose
Amy Melrose

Board Member & Minister

Carly Beam
Carly Beam


John Witters
John Witters

Founder & Lead Pastor

Jason Wall
Jason Wall

Director of Operations

Dana Whitney
Dana Whitney


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